A very warm welcome to Lark Hill Nursery School from the Headteacher


Welcome.  My name is Jo O'Raw and I have been the Headteacher of this amazing Nursery School since 2005. We are an Outstanding Nursery School (and have been since 2012) with caring and experienced staff, who offer exciting, challenging and first hand experiences for children. By this we mean interacting in a hands on way such as by taking walks in the local.community, watching chicks hatch from eggs, engaging in woodwork and cookery and much more. At the heart of all we do is an understanding of how children learn, we provide children with the time and space to explore and develop.

We offer 15 hour free entitlement places for children the term after they turn 2 (with the option to pay for top up sessions) and 30 hour places for 3 and 4 year olds. You can choose the type of place you would like for your child.

It is important to us from the beginning that we build a close partnership with you.  We welcome you and your child to visit us initially and then before your child starts with us we come on a home visit.  Your child will have a key person at Nursery. This person builds a close relationship with you and your child. This person helps your child feel secure at Nursery and gets to know them really well.. All of the staff are keen to share and celebrate your child’s progress and offer support during any difficult times you and your family may have. We use an online learning journey called Tapestry.

We offer our children a beautiful environment to explore, both indoors and outdoors.  We feel that children should have the opportunity to return to experiences so they can deepen their learning.  Our children have genuine choices between experiences which are rich in potential for development and learning.

We want our children to be lifelong learners and to be willing to challenge themselves, take risks, be creative and be confident to try new experiences.

Email me on headteacher@larkhill-nur.stockport.sch.uk to arrange a visit to find out about the places we have available and what we can offer your child.

I look forward to meeting you and your child.

Jo O'Raw
