From April 2015, nurseries and schools who have 3 and 4 year olds have been able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care for children whose family has a lower income (or who meets other criteria). The aim is to address any barriers to children's learning or offer enhancement to their experiences to increase their attainment at school and narrow gaps with other children.

The Early Years Pupil Premium provides us currently with £342 per year of additional funding per eligible child .The Nursery uses the extra funding to provide additional support for your child's learning and progress.

The nursery is held to account for how we spend the EYPP funding and it is up to the nursery how to make best use of the funding which we do through thinking about the needs of each child and in consultation with our families.

For the nursery to be able to access  the funding we ask that you fill in a EYPP application for eligibility as your child starts with us.

This could include, for example, additional training for our staff on early language, resources to support home learning, investing in a partnership working with our colleagues in the area to further our expertise or supporting our staff in working on specialised areas such as emotional resilience.

To find out further information please follow this link

 We will keep thinking about the different ways to use the funding for the maximum impact. The Education Endowment Foundation has researched the effectiveness of different approaches. For more information look here

Each year we will add information here about how we have spent the money we have received and the impact it has had. We will also think about lessons for the year ahead.

Early Years Pupil Premium

Updated: 02/12/2024 459 KB
Updated: 20/11/2023 234 KB
Updated: 27/04/2023 470 KB
Find out about the priorities we identified to support our children eligible to EYPP and how we spent the money.